Filed under: Bible Knowledge

This game for children is simple and has two variations. It is perfect for children who are familiar with Bible stories and are of reading age, but it can be played by even younger children.

Create a tic tac toe grid on the floor with masking tape. Cut out nine Xs and nine Os.

Divide the kids into two teams, one team is X and the other is O. One at a time, each team throws the bean bag into an empty square. It the bag lands in an empty square, they have a chance to put down their X or O by answering a Bible trivia question. Like tic tac toe, the first team to fill three squares in a row wins.

If the bean lands in an occupied square:

  • If the bag lands in a square occupied by their own marker, the opposing team may knock them out of that square by correctly answering a question. If the opposing team correctly answers the question, then they may try to answer a second question to capture the square. If the team incorrectly answers either question, the first team maintains the square.

  • If the bag lands on a square occupied by the opposing team’s marker, then the team that tossed the bag gets the chance to knock the opposing team out of the square by successfully answering a question. If they correctly answer the question, then they may answer a second question and capture the square for themselves. If the team incorrectly answers either question, then the opposition maintains the square.

  • If the tossed bag lands on an unoccupied square, the team gets the chance to capture the square by answering a bible trivia question. If they do not correctly answer the question, then it is the next team’s chance to toss the bag.

  • If the bag is tossed out of bounds, it is the next player’s turn.

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